
Report: The Kojima Productions Xbox title is Overdose

We even have an idea about who the protagonist may be.

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A week ago, it was revealed by the insider and journalist Tom Henderson that Kojima Productions next title would be a horror game called Overdose. He has a proven track record for leaks like these, and were extra certain this was true, claiming that he had even seen a video from the title in question.

Later Henderson also said that Kojima Productions had asked him to remove information about the game, something he refused to to. Well, fast forward to Sunday, and Kojima showed up during Microsoft's Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase to announce that he is indeed working on a new game that is coming to Xbox. Kojima didn't share the name of the title though.

Today, Henderson is at it again, ruining the fun for Kojima Productions, reporting that Overdose is "almost certainly" the game Kojima is making for Xbox, while also sharing some other details like the protagonist being called Margaret Qualley. If he is right, then Overdose is a cloud based horror game heading for Xbox.

Hopefully we won't have to wait overly long for some official information, and until then, let's remember that it is still unconfirmed.


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