Horizon MMO

Report: The Horizon MMO has been cancelled

Bend Studio and Bluepoint's live service projects weren't the only ones that got canned by Sony.

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The impact of the devastating failure that was Concord has continued to wreak havoc for Sony Interactive Entertainment. Following two live-service projects being shut down, games that were in development by Days Gone creator Bend Studio and Demon's Souls developer Bluepoint Games, it now seems like a third live project has been axed, and this is the high-profile Horizon MMO.

The game has been in production with NCSoft, and it's the South Korean publication MTN (via ResetEra) who has claimed that work on the title has been stopped. Specifically, it's Projects Pantera, H, and J that have been stopped at NCSoft, with the Horizon MMO seemingly being Project H.

No official word has come from Sony on this matter yet, but the report claims that Project H was shut down at the start of the year, and that its developers have been moved onto other projects.

It should be noted all the same that Project H isn't the Horizon Online game that is also supposed to be in the works and in development at Guerrilla Games itself. That project still seems to be alive at the moment, likely because rumours suggest it will debut sometime this year.

Horizon MMO

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