Final Fantasy XV

Report: Final Fantasy XV sales nosedive in Japan

The PS4 Pro isn't faring much better.

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According to Gamingbolt, it looks like Japan isn't taking too well to Final Fantasy XV, because the week two sales for the game are pretty poor, falling by 88% with less than 80,000 copies of the game sold.

Final Fantasy is no stranger to second week drops in sales, but there was hope for change with this instalment as it hadn't done as well in the first week. This isn't the case, however, and the same trend continues on, with Final Fantasy XV falling to fourth in the charts.

PlayStation 4 consoles, however, are doing well in terms of sales, although not the PS4 Pro, only making up 10% of these. Are you surprised by the drop in Final Fantasy XV sales?

Final Fantasy XV

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REVIEW. Written by Jonas Mäki

"It feels like the series should feel, but adapted for a modern audience, and we're so glad that Tabata pulled this massive project together in the way that he did."

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