
Report: A Silent Hill game is in development for PlayStation 5

Sources claim Sony is aiming to fulfil dreams by bringing fog, Pyramid Head and a disturbing radio sound back from the dead.

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Last Thursday, the usually reliable folks over at Rely on Horror backed up AestheticGamer's, previously known as DuskGolem, report from January claiming that there are two new Silent Hill games in development, and that these will be PlayStation exclusives.

Konami didn't exactly crush the hopes and dreams that resurfaced because of this either, after stating that the company is "listening to customer feedback and considering ways to provide the next title". We think it's important to share what we've heard though, as things might not be as clear as you hope.

Three sources we talked with last autumn independently confirmed that Konami and Sony had finally finalised a deal to revive the Silent Hill franchise with two new games; a soft reboot slated to be released in three or four years and a smaller, episodic-like game to start things off in two or three years.

What we can't corroborate are the claims that Masahiro Ito, Keiichiro Toyama and Akira Yamaoka have been brought in to helm the development of the reboot, as plans were changing fast and drastically back then to prepare for the launch of the PlayStation 5. It's far from impossible though, considering Ito-san said he was working on a new project that he hoped wouldn't be cancelled in early January.

In short: yes, our own sources can confirm that at least two new Silent Hill games are being worked on, both of which are still in the very early stages of development, so things can change.

What we haven't heard, as we haven't kept updated on the situation since last autumn, is whether the franchise's creators are developing one of the games. Wouldn't it be extremely cool though?

What kind of changes and improvements would you like to see them make in new a Silent Hill game?

Report: A Silent Hill game is in development for PlayStation 5

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