
Remedy is nine months into the development of a new title

LinkedIn profiles reveal key devs working on "unannounced title".

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Aah, LinkedIn. The place where meticulously updated resumés clues in internet sleuths in on the development of new, unannounced games.

Game Center Online has apparently stumbled across the fact that Alan Wake and Quantum Break developers Remedy Entertainment are working on a brand new game.

Lead designer Kyle Rowley and narrative lead Mikko Rautalahti both list their current projects as an "unannounced title" that they "can't talk about yet".

But from their listings, Rowley has been working on the project since August, while Rautalahti jumped on in February.

While Remedy recently tied up production of their latest game, Quantum Break, we'll wager that it'll be a good while until they reveal this next project to the public.

Remedy is nine months into the development of a new title

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