Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Online 1.21 update has caused a few problems

Rockstar is working on a fix after users reported some strange happenings.

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Rockstar's Wild West game, Red Dead Redemption 2, has an extensive online mode called Red Dead Online, and the service has been a huge success for the studio. The online portion of the game gets regular updates and other additions, but it's maintained by mere mortals, and sometimes things can go wrong. Like now, for example.

More specifically, Red Dead Online 1.21 Title Update has basically broken the game. Rockstar is aware of the new problems, and is working to fix them quickly.

While we're waiting for the promised fix, people have shared their wild experiences on social media. You can check some of the fun stuff here (horses on a treadmill?), here (wagon is alive and wild) and here (invisible wagon and no animals anywhere).

Share your own stories in the comments below.

Red Dead Redemption 2

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Red Dead Redemption 2

REVIEW. Written by Magnus Groth-Andersen

"A watershed moment, an instant classic, another high point for a studio which has constantly delivered them for decades."

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