Rainbow Six: Siege

Rainbow Six: Siege hosting Road to Six Invitational event

This will run from today into the middle of February, leading to the biggest event in the Siege calendar.

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The Six Invitational is the biggest event in Rainbow Six: Siege esports each year, running every year to bring the best players in Ubisoft's shooter together, and now we know of an event that's running in the lead-up to the competition.

This is running from today until February 16, inviting Operators to play every weekend over five weekends. The trailer doesn't give much away, but we're told to stay tuned for more information from Ubisoft.

For now though we can see The Program trailer down below, and bear in mind the Six Invitational is where details on the next year of content for Siege are revealed, so expect that next month.

This year will certainly be an interesting one for the game and its players, as Alex Remy and Xavier Marquis have departed the Siege team, two core members of the development team at Ubisoft.

Are you excited for the event?

Rainbow Six: Siege

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