
Quentin Tarantino is currently writing a play

And if it's a "smash hit" it could be his final movie.

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For the last few years, Quentin Tarantino has been off our screens and living a life of secrecy. Retreating into writing and spending more time with his children, he's not been focused on production, and is in no rush to create what is supposed to be his final film.

Speaking to an audience at the Sundance Film Festival (via Variety), Tarantino explained why he's in no rush to create another movie. "I've been doing that for 30 years," he said. "Next month my son turns 5, and I have a two-and-a-half-year-old daughter. When I'm in America, I'm writing. When I'm in Israel? I'm an abba, which means father."

Tarantino revealed he wants to wait until his son is at least six until he begins production on his final film, so that he can have memories for life. "If you're wondering what I'm doing right now, I'm writing a play, and it's going to be probably the next thing I end up doing," he added. "If it's a fiasco I probably won't turn it into a movie. But if it's a smash hit? It might be my last movie."

We did hear in the past that Quentin Tarantino's last film would be about a film critic, but perhaps that idea has been replaced by whatever this play is about. Or, the play could revolve around a similar plot. We'll only know for sure when Tarantino is ready to reveal his next and (likely) final project.

Quentin Tarantino is currently writing a play

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