
Punxsutawney Phil predicts six more weeks of winter on Groundhog Day

The iconic rodent has given his annual weather forecast.

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The annual Groundhog Day has been and gone. The day in which folk flock to the town of Punxsutawney in Philadelphia, USA to see whether spring will be coming early or if winter will remain for a further six weeks has been decided, and if you were hoping that the frigid temperatures will soon thaw, the rodent Phil had some bad news to share.

The annual ceremony which revolves around the groundhog Phil predicts the forecast for the coming weeks by seeing if the rodent notices its own shadow or not. If he sees his shadow, winter is here to stay, but if he doesn't, then spring should be coming early... or so the legend goes.

This crude understanding of weather forecasting has long captured the attention and eyes of fans around the world, and on the annual Groundhog Day, which was yesterday, February 2, Phil has shared his foresight on the forecast.

Unfortunately, Phil had nothing but bad news to share, as he saw his shadow and revealed to the world that winter will be here for a further six weeks. Granted, this is actually a change from 2024, where Phil revealed that there would be an early spring.

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Are you surprised by Phil's prediction this year?

Punxsutawney Phil predicts six more weeks of winter on Groundhog Day
The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club
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