Psychonauts 2

Psychonauts 2's documentary is finally on Youtube

The follow-up to Double Fine Adventure is here, giving us an honest and transparent look at the game's development.

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Extremely few developers and publishers want to or dare to be completely honest about what's going on when developing games, so Double Fine and 2 Player Productions truly raised the bar in that regard when they gave us the Double Fine Adventure documentary about the making of Broken Age seven years ago. That documentary really showed the ups and downs of the game's troubled development, so it was very surprising when we were told Psychonauts 2 would get a documentary as well. It's been a while since we heard anything about it though...until tonight.

Double Fine and 2 Player Productions have suddenly released the documentary called Double Fine PsychOdyssey, and it's a 32-episode long look at the development of Psychonauts 2. Its description sure makes it sound like we're in for another honest and transparent insight into what's been happening at Tim Schafer and crew's studio the last seven years:

"Now facing the pressure to produce a worthy sequel, the studio must confront overly ambitious designs, poor morale, technical challenges and financial woes, all during a turbulent span of time for the world.

Double Fine PsychOdyssey is the direct continuation of the acclaimed series Double Fine Adventure, and offers even deeper insight into the passion, humor, and heartbreak of video game development."

I know what I'm doing this weekend, and I highly recommend you watch it as well. Enjoy.

Psychonauts 2

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Psychonauts 2

REVIEW. Written by Kieran Harris

Tim Schafer and co have done the impossible and have delivered a superior follow-up.

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