Psychonauts 2

Psychonauts 2 file size is 28 gigabytes

It is also possible to preload the game on Xbox.

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Recently, Microsoft updated its store with new images from Psychonauts 2, and as several people (including the Xbox insider Klobrille) noted, it was also possible to preload the game, which is therefore likely to be fairly close to be released.

The game has a file size 27.65 gigabytes for Xbox, and thus probably about the same for PC and PlayStation. That's more than we anticipated, and hopefully indicates a really great platforming adventure with all the Tim Schafer/Double Fine magic we've learned to love over the years.

Psychonauts 2
Psychonauts 2Psychonauts 2
Psychonauts 2
Psychonauts 2Psychonauts 2
Psychonauts 2Psychonauts 2
Psychonauts 2
Psychonauts 2Psychonauts 2

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Psychonauts 2Score

Psychonauts 2

REVIEW. Written by Kieran Harris

Tim Schafer and co have done the impossible and have delivered a superior follow-up.

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