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      Crysis 3

      PS Plus titles for August announced

      Crysis 3, Road Not Taken, Fez and more join the instant game collection.

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      Sony has officially announced the new PlayStation Plus titles on PlayStation Blog for the next month.

      From August 6th, the great 2D platform puzzle game by Polytron, FEZ, and the rogue-like puzzle from Spry Fox, Road Not Taken, will enrich your PS collection on PlayStation 4. But there's also good news for PS3 owners: from August 6th, you can download for free - if you're PS Plus subscribers, of course - the future-tech FPS by Crytek, Crysis 3, and the experimental exploration adventure Proteus from Curve Studios.

      Entering PS Plus (6th August):
      Road Not Taken (PS4)
      Fez (PS4)
      Crysis 3 (PS3)
      Proteus (PS3 + PS Vita)
      Metrico (PS Vita)
      Lego Harry Potter 5-7 Years (PS Vita)

      So, enjoy!

      Crysis 3

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      Crysis 3

      REVIEW. Written by Jonas Mäki

      "Forget waiting for the next generation of graphics to appear: they're here already, and that we can thank Crytek for."

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