
Pokémon card packs are coming to McDonald's Happy Meals

Themed boxes, as well as booster packs, can be found in the children's meals.

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If you're on the hunt for extra Pokémon cards to boost your collection, you might want to stop by your local McDonald's. Happy Meals are being given a Pokémon flair for the next month in the US, and it seems there is a specific focus on dragon types.

As per PokeBeach, four new Happy Meal boxes have been created, featuring Charizard, Dragonite, Roaring Moon (the version of Salamence from Pokémon Scarlet) and Rayquaza. Booster packs found within Happy Meals contain one of the following Pokémon cards:

  • #001: Charizard

  • #002: Pikachu

  • #003: Miraidon

  • #004: Jigglypuff

  • #005: Hatenna

  • #006: Dragapult

  • #007: Quagsire

  • #008: Koraidon

  • #009: Umbreon

  • #010: Hydreigon

  • #011: Roaring Moon

  • #012: Dragonite

  • #013: Eevee

  • #014: Rayquaza

  • #015: Drampa

This promotion lasts in the US until the 24th of February, and is also available in Australia and New Zealand this month as well. It was made available in France last month, but we're not sure if it'll land in the UK and wider European regions.

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Pokémon card packs are coming to McDonald's Happy Meals

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