Fishing: Barents Sea

Players need to care for the habitat in Fishing: Barents Sea

An advanced system that populates the sea with fishes that reproduce needs to be kept in balance.

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Industrial fishing can be hard work, but it's also takes lots of planning and knowledge. That's something that Misc Games' Fishing: Barents Sea really takes to heart. We caught up with Gøran Myrland who's got fishing in his blood to talk about the upcoming simulation.

"You fish for cod, pollack, haddock, red fish, mackerel, but we also made a really advanced system for the fishes. So you have mom and dad fishes, they have breeding age, they move around the map based on the termperature in the water. In the wintertime they like to go deeper, to keep the optimal temperature. Some fishes move out of the map and back into it, in the summer they go further south and come back in the winter."

"We have populated the sea with 5 million fishes and they reproduce themselves so when the player is fishing he also has to take care of the habitat to keep them healthy. Because if you do overfishing, it will be empty in the sea eventually."


Fishing: Barents Sea is due out early next year on Steam.

Fishing: Barents Sea

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