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      PC gets free Season Pass and DLC for Titanfall

      Following Xbox One and Xbox 360.

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      Recently we reported that Respawn had made Titanfall's DLC packs and Season Pass available for free on Xbox 360 and Xbox One, in a initiative to celebrate the game's anniversary. Today, that initiative has also come to the PC version, and apparently it's a temporary offer, judging by Respawn's post on Twitter:

      "This content is free starting now and will remain free for all users who purchase Titanfall for Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC"

      It's a bit confusing, but it seems that the Respawn means that, once downloaded the DLC or Season Pass, will belong to players with no time limit. However, the initiative itself has a length, in the sense that eventually players will no longer be able to download this content for free, although there is no word on when the offer is up.

      Bottom line, you better start downloading as soon as possible, and after you done that, go ahead and check our news piece on the newly confirmed Titanfall 2.


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      REVIEW. Written by Gillen McAllister

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