We came, we saw, we shot. And filmed. And reported.
Our first PAX packed in a hell of lot. The show's atmosphere was decidedly different from the other tentpole events we usually frequent over the course of the year. There was a fevered intensity similar to E3, but a more relaxed, jovial tone to the crowds that marked it more a convention for and about gamers, rather than the games themselves. As usual, there were a few colourful souls and interesting sights around the convention. Here's a few of our favourites.
Photo Gallery:
The Horde arrives at Boston Exhibition & Convention Center
This is an ad:
Assorted crowd shots.
Wildstar had a massive booth where players got to go hands-on with the promising MMORPG.
Another massive booth was the combined Square Enix/Deep Silver booth - top picture shows some of the Dead Island: Riptide kiosks, while the display below shows off Garrett's outfit in Thief.
This is an ad:
Blizzard had both Hearthstone and Diablo III (PS3) playable in their booth.
Couple of shots of the showfloor from above.
Cosplayers were in attendance.
Media Molecule had a small paper craft themed booth in the indie section promoting Tearaway.
Indies were definitely in focus at PAX East.
Assorted crowd shots, indies and League of Legends!
Does whatever a spider can!
We felt it appropriate to pair these images together.