World of Warcraft: Legion's patch 7.1 is out now, adding several new features as well as a range of fixes and balancing adjustments. The most notable feature, however, is the addition of A Return to Karazhan, a new mythic experience for five players, with eight bosses to go up against as well as new stories from Opera Hall to take part in.
Then there's The Trial of Valor, a new Raid with three bosses that "serves as an interlude between Emerald Nightmare and the upcoming Nighthold Raid". Normal and Heroic unlocks on November 8 while Mythic and Raid Finder will go live on November 15.
This is just the tip of the iceberg though, so we recommend that you make your way over to the official site of World of Warcraft to read up on all the other stuff that the patch adds, including a brand new questline that unlocks Helarjar world quests, not to mention the arrival of Falcosaurs. Will you be testing your skill in some of these new challenges?