
Overwatch's Roadhog is getting a nerf

His hook is the focus of the changes.

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Blizzard has revealed a balance change to Overwatch, and this time it's Roadhog that's affected, as he is getting a slight nerf.

Principal designer Geoff Goodman revealed that the changes mainly concern the behavior of Roadhog's hook and how it affects others. The plan is to make it so that a hooked enemy will arrive in the position directly in front of Roadhog, not just anywhere in a straight line towards him.

"There is a cap on how far 'to the side' you can be pulled, so you can't just hook someone, spin 180, and dump someone off a cliff," Goodman explained. The idea is to make the hook feel more consistent, for both Roadhog and his enemies.

Another change is that Roadhog players must now maintain line-of-sight at all times, if they want to hook an enemy. This is checked from Roadhog's position, not the hook's, which means he's only able to hook enemies he can actually see.

These changes will be rolling out probably during this week. Do you think these changes are for the better or worse?


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