
Over 6,000 games industry jobs have been lost so far in 2023

September alone has seen 17 games companies issue layoffs.

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2023 has already been a pretty bleak year for the games industry, with established studios such as Volition and PixelOpus closing their doors. Last month, Naughty Dog and Epic Games also announced that they would sadly be making a series of layoffs.

With studio closures and layoffs being a frequent occurrence over the last 10 months, Farhan Noor a technical artist at Riot Games has estimated that roughly 6,100 employees in the games industry have lost their jobs. The real number might be even higher than this, however, as not every company has provided full details on how many staff they've let go.

According to the data provided by videogamelayoffs.com, Unity has laid off 900 employees, which makes it the company that has laid off the most staff this year. This followed behind by Epic Games with just over 800 and Amazon with 500.

Thanks, Metro.

Over 6,000 games industry jobs have been lost so far in 2023

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