The Outer Worlds

Outer Worlds, Control, and more launching on Epic Store

A lot of timed exclusives have been revealed as part of Epic's very busy GDC week, meaning these will come to other platforms later on.

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Just this morning we reported on the news that three of Quantic Dreams' games - Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls, and Detroit: Become Human - would be launching on PC for the first time via the Epic Games Store, and now Epic has revealed plenty more games coming to their platform in the future.

There are a lot of names included - like Satisfactory and Rollercoaster Tycoon Adventures, available now - but one of the highlights is Obsidian's RPG The Outer Worlds. As revealed on Twitter, however, the game will launch on the Epic Games Store and Windows Store first, coming to "other digital platforms" like Steam 12 months later, with the PS4 and Xbox One versions still coming at launch.

Remedy's Control was another game that caught our attention, which also revealed as a timed Epic Games Store exclusive, coming simultaneously to PC, PS4, and Xbox One and launching on other PC platforms 12 months later.

In the full list there are various other games mentioned, including Journey to the Savage Planet, which will again be a timed exclusive to the store, as well as The Sinking City, another exclusive.

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The Outer Worlds

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