Oddworld: New'n'Tasty

Oddworld: New'n'Tasty dated for Xbox One

First Oddworld title on Xbox in quite a while.

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Microsoft's ID@Xbox program helps make things possible on Xbox One that simply wouldn't have happened on Xbox 360 and Xbox Live Arcde. For Oddworld Inhabitants it wasn't possible to release Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD on Xbox Live Arcade. But times have changed, and on March 27 Oddworld: New'n'Tasty will be released on Xbox One. The remake of Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee was developed by Just Add Water and is already available for PlayStation 4 and Steam. Oddworld: New'n'Tasty will cost £14.99 on Xbox One.

Oddworld: New'n'Tasty

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Oddworld: New'n'TastyScore

Oddworld: New'n'Tasty

REVIEW. Written by Jonathan Björklund

The Mudokon with the pony tail and sewn shut mouth returns. Is it the remake the franchise deserves or are we in for a disappointment?

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