Many of you likely have pleasant memories about Obsidian Entertainment's foray into Bethesda's post-apocalyptic world with Fallout: New Vegas. The game, which debuted shortly after Fallout 3, brought a devastated and unique take on the City of Sin, and launched to a great reception from critics and fans alike, and yet never saw Obsidian getting a chance to continue its efforts in the wasteland.
But if the developer had the chance, would it welcome the opportunity to get back into Fallout? Speaking with DualShockers, co-founder of Obsidian, Feargus Urquhart has touched on the matter.
"Of course, if we ever got the opportunity to make another Fallout game, we'd make it. There's not even a question of whether or not we would do it, it's just 'Will the opportunity arise?' I hung around at Interplay for probably an extra year because I wanted to work on Fallout more. I love Fallout."
Considering Urquhart is interested in returning to the Fallout franchise, would this be something you'd like to see Obsidian taking another crack at, or would you prefer the team keep its focus on current and upcoming projects such as Pentiment, Grounded, The Outer Worlds 2, and Avowed?