During these past few years, so-called MOBAs and MMORPG games have been making their way to consoles, at least in some form or another. Games like Destiny 2 and The Division both follow a very familiar MMO path, for example, but it seems not every game company is eager to bring their titles to consoles.
PAX East 2018 allowed DualShockers to have a talk with Blizzard's World of Warcraft producer Daniel Stahl and Heroes of the Storm lead hero designer Matt Villers, who both had bad news for people hoping to see these particular Blizzard games on consoles.
WoW producer Stahl said that "World of Warcraft is really designed for Personal Computers, I think. There'd have to be so many different changes we'd have to make to make it a console game... We really want to continue making World of Warcraft as it is right now. We'd have to do something entirely different if we wanted to do something for consoles."
HotS designer Villers, on the other hand, said that "our focus is really on PC, it has been from the beginning. There would probably be a lot of changes needed to make the gameplay work on console. No plans in that regard right now."
At the same time rumours about a Nintendo Switch port for Diablo III refuse to die, even if Blizzard has already shot them down. Would you have even liked to see WoW or HotS on console though?