The live-stream discussed the future of Wii U, and this time there was a particular focus on software and games.Today's offering gave us a sneak peak at some of the plans surrounding Nintendo's most iconic IPs
The first thing up for discussion was the Miiverse, with Nintendo's Satoru Iwata discussing some of the functionality of the Wii U's social hub. There's to be increased sharing between players, with Mii characters able to swap links and videos with each other. Surprisingly the company if working on mobile phone support, which a smartphone app currently in development.
The company addressing user requests with two console updates, due spring and summer, which will see faster software launches and quicker returns to the main Wii U menu.
Also due after the spring update is the Wii U's own Virtual Console, which is being built specifically for the new console, offering off-TV GamePad support for titles as well as Miiverse support and the ability to save games.
However, if you've transferred over your Wii versions of VC titles, you'll have to pay (at a discounted price) for the upgraded Wii U versions, and Nintendo is planning a gradual role out of titles. A selection of NES and SNES titles will be available on launch.
Iwata went on to apologise for the lack of first-party releases over the first two months of this year, but then dropped a few big names into the mix, which included:
The announcement of a new 3D Mario game by the Super Mario Galaxy team, as well as a new Mario Kart and Yoshi game (created by the Kirby's Epic Yarn team).
New information on Bayonetta 2.
A crossover between Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem.
The broadcast concluded with a trailer for new fantasy title, simply labelled "X".
In all, a very surprising Direct presentation. While new Mario and Zelda titles are always a given, the approach the studios are taking this iteration round suggests the classic franchises may be refreshed once again.