Ninja Gaiden 4

Ninja Gaiden 4 promises to be just as challenging as its predecessors

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Anyone who has played the Ninja Gaiden games knows just how brutally challenging they can be. Beyond the almost infamous first instalment for Nintendo's classic grey box, many of us likely remember how the Xbox version had us breaking a sweat. However, the slightly controversial and legendary Itagaki, who directed the series in the past, is not involved as Team Ninja now attempts to craft a new chapter. Naturally, fans are wondering whether Ninja Gaiden 4 will live up to its predecessors in terms of difficulty.

According to the game's producer and director, Yuji Nakao, the answer is yes. He assures that Ninja Gaiden 4 will be just as challenging as the earlier entries, noting that the team has been heavily influenced by Ninja Gaiden 2 in particular. Nakao emphasized that the game will offer no hand-holding and will, at times, be brutally unforgiving, with enemies delivering razor-sharp resistance.

Speaking to Xbox Wire, Nakao said:
"I believe [the difficulty level of] NINJA GAIDEN 2 had a lot of standout qualities, and I think fans will feel its influence strongly throughout NINJA GAIDEN 4."

Are you looking forward to a truly challenging adventure with Ryu Hayabusa and the newcomer Yakumo?

Ninja Gaiden 4

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