While there is a very common fear amongst people in all walks of life about the direction that technology and artificial intelligence is taking, the one area that it seems to be most openly vocal in is without a doubt the entertainment sector. As AI becomes increasingly available, there is worry that it will taking jobs meant for creative humans, and one person who has been speaking up on this at every instance he gets is Nicolas Cage.
This latest stand against AI comes at the Saturn Awards, which were hosted at Universal City on February 2, with Cage in attendance to accept an award for his performance in Dream Scenario. Upon taking the stage to receive the commendation, Cage once again raised his suspicions on AI usage in entertainment.
As per Variety, Cage stated: "There is another world that is also disturbing me. It's happening right now around all of us: the new AI world. I am a big believer in not letting robots dream for us. Robots cannot reflect the human condition for us. That is a dead end if an actor lets one AI robot manipulate his or her performance even a little bit, an inch will eventually become a mile and all integrity, purity and truth of art will be replaced by financial interests only. We can't let that happen."
Cage continued: "The job of all art in my view, film performance included, is to hold a mirror to the external and internal stories of the human condition through the very human thoughtful and emotional process of recreation. A robot can't do that. If we let robots do that, it will lack all heart and eventually lose edge and turn to mush. There will be no human response to life as we know it. It will be life as robots tell us to know it.
"I say, protect yourselves from AI interfering with your authentic and honest expressions."
This isn't the first time that Cage has voiced his concerns with AI, as the actor spoke about the technology at the Newport Beach Film Festival back in October, sharing similar thoughts.