Hearthstone: Whispers of the Old Gods
It's the end of the world in the Hearthstone universe, as 134 new cards take the game in a darker direction.
Text: Tomas Veiden

Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition
"It might be a little overwhelming or frustrating at first, but don't let that stop you."
Text: Tomas Veiden

"The whole thing is realised in simple 16-bit graphics, but it still manages to convey more depth than many lavish blockbusters."
Text: Tomas Veiden

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
"Simply put this is brilliant entertainment that's good for dozens of hours."
Text: Tomas Veiden
Metal Gear Solid V - Review Impressions
With the end yet to come, we take a break to take stock of our MGSV experience thus far.
Text: Tomas Veiden
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
We get 16 hours to play around in Kojima's sandbox. Off the table: story, twists, plot points. On the table? World setting, weapons and David Bowie.
Text: Tomas Veiden
Rocket League
The future of sport, according to Psyonix, is cars playing football. We talked to the studio and played their new title to get a feel for the pitch.
Text: Tomas Veiden

Pokémon Art Academy
Tomas Veiden takes us on a personal journey through the latest adventures with Pikachu and friends.
Text: Tomas Veiden
Shaping the Vision: Vicarious Visions and Skylanders
We head to New York to see how Vicarious Visions are shaping (and pulling apart) the future of the Skylanders franchise.
Text: Tomas Veiden