
Thomas Blichfeldt

All texts by Thomas Blichfeldt

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Warner Bros secures the movie rights to Space Invaders

Warner Bros secures the movie rights to Space Invaders

It seems only a few years ago that game sfans worldwide could only dream of ever seeing their favourite games turned into movies. Times have changed though, and even...

Text: Thomas Blichfeldt
Kirby: Triple DeluxeScore

Kirby: Triple Deluxe

"Despite his lower tier standing in the pantheon of Nintendo characters, Kirby's still keeping up with the moustached plumbers and tie-wearing simians out there."

Text: Thomas Blichfeldt
Mario Golf: World TourScore

Mario Golf: World Tour

Mario and his friends are back for another round of golf - this time on Nintendo 3DS.

Text: Thomas Blichfeldt
Mercenary KingsScore

Mercenary Kings

"It could have been a classic, but instead we're left with what's merely a solid experience."

Text: Thomas Blichfeldt
Yoshi's New IslandScore

Yoshi's New Island

"Sloppy. Not a word usually associated with a Nintendo title. But an apt one for this."

Text: Thomas Blichfeldt
Dead Nation: Apocalypse EditionScore

Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition

"The hordes of zombies are nearly infinite, and luckily the same can be said of the ammunition for your standard gun."

Text: Thomas Blichfeldt


"Llamasoft's focus on psychedelic colours has never found a better home than on the OLED screen of the PlayStation Vita."

Text: Thomas Blichfeldt
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical FreezeScore

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

"This is an entertaining platform adventure that convinces you of its worth with beautiful visuals, plenty of personality and incredible challenge."

Text: Thomas Blichfeldt
EA Sports UFC

EA Sports UFC

After a lot of show & tell we finally get to grips with EA's take on UFC with a demo of the title.

Text: Thomas Blichfeldt
Doki-Doki UniverseScore

Doki-Doki Universe

"The most fascinating part of the experience isn't QT3 or the animations, but instead the many ways in which the game tries to find out about you - the player holding the controller."

Text: Thomas Blichfeldt
Gran Turismo 6Score

Gran Turismo 6

"It amazes me that GT6 fails to address so many of the franchise's problems, filling the game with more content rather than fixing the more basic problems."

Text: Thomas Blichfeldt