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      Mika Sorvari

      All texts by Mika Sorvari

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      Guitar Hero Live

      Guitar Hero Live

      Instrument-powered music games are making a comeback this autumn. We visited FreeStyle Games to find out what Guitar Hero has to offer.

      Text: Mika Sorvari
      Blood Bowl 2Score

      Blood Bowl 2

      "Even with the somewhat narrow team selection and the dopey AI, Blood Bowl 2 is clearly an improvement over the original."

      Text: Mika Sorvari
      Homeworld Remastered CollectionScore

      Homeworld Remastered Collection

      "This is best remaster we've ever seen. This is the standard that everyone should try for when resurrecting old classics."

      Text: Mika Sorvari
      Grey GooScore

      Grey Goo

      "Grey Goo is a good addition to the RTS scene. It brings a modern edge to the genre."

      Text: Mika Sorvari
      Assassin's Creed: UnityScore

      Assassin's Creed: Unity

      "You'll scream, swear and pound your head against the coffee table, and then you'll reload the game, because when it works, it really works."

      Text: Mika Sorvari
      Tetris turns thirty today

      Tetris turns thirty today

      The classic block-dropper from the old Soviet Union, Tetris, is thirty years young today.

      Text: Mika Sorvari
      CD Projekt reveals GOG Galaxy

      CD Projekt reveals GOG Galaxy

      CD Projekt revealed some new things concerning The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt yesterday, but they also revealed GOG Galaxy, which is more or less the GOG-version of Steam.

      Text: Mika Sorvari
      Hearthstone: Heroes of WarcraftScore

      Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

      "All in all Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft is a colourful, addictive and high quality collectable card game."

      Text: Mika Sorvari
      Ratchet & Clank: NexusScore

      Ratchet & Clank: Nexus

      "Being used to the lengthier adventures of the duo, I felt like I had only been given the second act and final battle from a much longer game."

      Text: Mika Sorvari
      Remember MeScore

      Remember Me

      "We really hope that Dontnod will continue making games in this exciting universe, but that they open up their concept from what it is now, and give their players more choice."

      Text: Mika Sorvari
      Behind the Legend: Making of Grimrock 2

      Behind the Legend: Making of Grimrock 2

      We paid a visit to Finnish indies Almost Human to find out more about the sequel to the surprise hit Legend of Grimrock.

      Text: Mika Sorvari
      Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White WitchScore

      Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

      "The game's plot doesn't strive to be overly complicated, but instead tells a classic tale with themes that everyone can relate to."

      Text: Mika Sorvari


      The stealth genre receives a valuable new addition in the form of a fresh new IP from the creators of Arx Fatalis and Deus Ex.

      Text: Mika Sorvari
      Pirates of Black CoveScore

      Pirates of Black Cove

      "One can find a thousand different frightful jokes just floating on the waves. It is evident that the developers have been scouring the deep, dank pun-dungeons with some diligence."

      Text: Mika Sorvari