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      Kim Orremark

      All texts by Kim Orremark

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      A Year Of Rain - Early Access Impressions

      A Year Of Rain - Early Access Impressions

      A Year Of Rain looks and plays a lot like Warcraft III, but still keeps its own identity. We've played Daedalic Entertainment's latest strategy title.

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Red Dead Redemption 2 on PCScore

      Red Dead Redemption 2 on PC

      "If you have a machine that can manage it, it's undoubtedly the best system to play the game on."

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Destiny 2: ShadowkeepScore

      Destiny 2: Shadowkeep

      "Shadowkeep is the start of a year full of new content, making this the right time to play Destiny 2."

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Destiny 2: Shadowkeep and Beyond

      Destiny 2: Shadowkeep and Beyond

      We've been getting stuck in with Destiny 2's latest expansion, taking us to the moon as Bungie takes the game in a fresh direction with New Light.

      Text: Kim Orremark


      "We would have liked to have seen more healing items in the game as it would have given us more opportunities to progress. Then again, maybe we just suck."

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Rage 2Score

      Rage 2

      "It can be really fun, but in many ways, the experience feels stretched out and the content on offer doesn't match up with the quality of the minute-to-minute gameplay."

      Text: Kim Orremark
      SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech

      SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech

      The adorable Steambots enter a brand new era and genre, as we paid Image & Form a visit to test their next entry in the SteamWorld franchise.

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Apex Legends - Launch Impressions

      Apex Legends - Launch Impressions

      The new game has just been announced and we have ploughed about eight hours into the finished product.

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Battlefield VScore

      Battlefield V

      "All the work DICE has done in renewing the core mechanics has resulted in an experience that feels tighter than it has done for many years."

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Forza Horizon 4Score

      Forza Horizon 4

      "It's genuinely fun, wonderfully beautiful, fast as hell, and well-stocked with both cars and content. And it all feels very familiar."

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Destiny 2: ForsakenScore

      Destiny 2: Forsaken

      "The beginning of the second year is off to a great start and we really hope that Bungie can avoid any more unnecessary problems in the future."

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

      Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

      From Software's latest game looks to be a good one. We got our hands on the Gamescom demo.

      Text: Kim Orremark
      This is the Police 2Score

      This is the Police 2

      "If you really enjoyed the first game you will certainly be able to squeeze enjoyment out of the sequel, but be prepared for more of the same."

      Text: Kim Orremark


      "It's a genuinely entertaining game where you can relax, push down the accelerator, and watch metal spray across the screen."

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Next @ Acer 2018

      Next @ Acer 2018

      Acer showed all of its new products last week in New York and we sent our own Kim Orremark to The Big Apple to find out more.

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Destiny 2: WarmindScore

      Destiny 2: Warmind

      "It's actually an improvement over the last expansion despite the fact that they feel quite similar."

      Text: Kim Orremark


      "There are two things above all else in life that we crave. High speeds and dirt. For this reason alone it is easy to enjoy the latest arcade racer from Milestone."

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Destiny 2: Curse of OsirisScore

      Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris

      "It's the absolute minimum in terms of content, with a short campaign, two maps for multiplayer, and a handful of new weapons."

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Razer Thresher UltimateScore

      Razer Thresher Ultimate

      Razer's premium headset for console players has arrived and we've put it through some gruelling firefights.

      Text: Kim Orremark
      NBA 2K18Score

      NBA 2K18

      "If you're looking to pick up a basketball simulator to play with your friends, online or offline, then this is the game for you."

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Destiny 2Score

      Destiny 2

      "The visuals and design are superb, the music and the audio constantly impresses, and Destiny 2 offers more things to do at launch than the first game ever did."

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Yonder: The Cloud Catcher ChroniclesScore

      Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles

      "A wonderful world full of adventure and things to find, but unfortunately there's not quite enough substance beyond that."

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Tropico 6

      Tropico 6

      El Presidente is back, and he wants to run a nation... and steal stuff. Preferably from other countries.

      Text: Kim Orremark


      Living as a vampire in 1918 London ain't easy.

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Sea of Thieves

      Sea of Thieves

      Rare's piratical adventure is shaping up to be something special indeed, just make sure you've got an able crew.

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Forza Horizon 3: Hot WheelsScore

      Forza Horizon 3: Hot Wheels

      "A fun addition to one of the world's best arcade racing games."

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Days Gone

      Days Gone

      We've been through many post-apocalyptic worlds, but Days Gone looks like it'll bring something new to the table.

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Forza Motorsport 7

      Forza Motorsport 7

      What better game to showcase the power of Xbox One X than a new Forza?

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Dirt 4Score

      Dirt 4

      "It's more than just a worthy sequel to both Dirt 3 and Dirt Rally, it's a true masterpiece."

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 RemixScore

      Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 Remix

      "A lovely collection that despite a handful of age-related and camera-based shortcomings, still feels good to play."

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Flatout 4: Total InsanityScore

      Flatout 4: Total Insanity

      "The foundations are in place, but there's no real depth, and the feel of the cars is lacking."

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Nier: AutomataScore

      Nier: Automata

      "We can't help but marvel at the madness that Yoko Taro has dreamt up."

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Dirt 4 Hands-On

      Dirt 4 Hands-On

      It's an attempt to merge Dirt 3 and Dirt Rally, but how does it handle?

      Text: Kim Orremark
      Halo Wars 2

      Halo Wars 2

      We played some of the campaign, multiplayer, and the new Blitz mode.

      Text: Kim Orremark and Sam Bishop