Fable: The Journey to a New Beginning
We look back at the legacy of Lionhead's fan-favourite fantasy series as the next entry is readied for release over at Playground Games.
Text: Jon Newcombe

"We expect that genre fans will appreciate what it tries to achieve, however, a wider audience is unlikely to find much to sink their teeth into."
Text: Jon Newcombe

Yoku's Island Express
"It's relaxing and enjoyable for the most part, while also testing player skill just enough to keep things interesting."
Text: Jon Newcombe

"It's a visual delight that presents an intriguing narrative and some stimulating conundrums."
Text: Jon Newcombe

Bio Inc. Redemption
"Overall, Bio Inc. Redemption feels very much like a mobile game ported to PC - which in fairness is exactly what it is."
Text: Jon Newcombe
Sociable Soccer - Early Access Kickabout
We've been hoofing the ball like it's 1994.
Text: Jon Newcombe

Road Redemption
"Despite some issues, there's fun to be had with Road Redemption."
Text: Jon Newcombe

The Banner Saga 2
"It's hard not to admire the scale of what Stoic has achieved."
Text: Jon Newcombe

Football Manager 2016
"It excels at allowing you to play out your football fantasies and the addiction factor is incredibly high."
Text: Jon Newcombe

Chaos Reborn
"Every turn is a gamble, sometimes it goes wrong and you lose, sometimes you deserve to fail only to come out on top."
Text: Jon Newcombe

Civilization: Beyond Earth - Rising Tide
"Rising Tide makes a good game noticeably better."
Text: Jon Newcombe

Invisible, Inc.
"Every attempt to conquer the campaign is hugely enjoyable, even if the story doesn't stay as fresh as the action."
Text: Jon Newcombe

Crimson Dragon
"The repeated objectives and clunky controls detract from what could have been a better experience."
Text: Jon Newcombe

Zoo Tycoon
"There are plenty of features but it's rarely a hefty challenge. It's a game to be enjoyed at a relaxed pace, an experience to celebrate and share because it's so refreshingly pleasant."
Text: Jon Newcombe

Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea
"Burial at Sea is an enjoyable blast through a familiar setting. But the short run time raises a difficult question."
Text: Jon Newcombe
The History of Horror: A Video Game Retrospective
It's the genre that's come a long way in its scares. We look at the mutation of video game horror titles - from birth to its fearsome future.
Text: Jon Newcombe
Bioshock Infinite: Rebuilding Rapture
We sit down with Burial at Sea's producer, Don Roy, and find out more about the inspirations behind the incoming DLC.
Text: Jon Newcombe

Football Manager 2014
"The real beauty of Football Manager is in the stories you will experience."
Text: Jon Newcombe

Pokémon X/Y
"New features, and engaging visuals show great strides forwards. X and Y will be looked on very fondly in years to come."
Text: Jon Newcombe
Godus Hands-On
Who knew being a God involved so much clicking?
Text: Jon Newcombe

Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
"While sneaking, hiding, running away and solving environmental puzzles isn't everyone's idea of fun, players looking for a nail-biting horror experience could do worse."
Text: Jon Newcombe
The Consistent Console Message
As we're in the midst of a console war, Jon Newcombe considers if consumer desires should be driving technological innovation.
Text: Jon Newcombe
Fable Legends Beta due in 2014
More news on Lionhead's recently announced Xbox One exclusive.
Text: Jon Newcombe
33 PS4 games to land this year
It looks like it's going to be a good end of year for early adopters.
Text: Jon Newcombe
Firefly to face Batman in Arkham Origins
New adversary is the announcement teased by Warner Bros.
Text: Jon Newcombe
Beyond: Two Souls to support co-op
New app designed to appeal to casual gamers, plus new screens.
Text: Jon Newcombe
FIFA 14 - What to Expect
As the latest instalment of the ever popular football simulator nears release an abundance of information has been revealed.
Text: Jon Newcombe
EVE-VR becomes Eve: Valkyrie
Proof of concept VR game to become standalone title.
Text: Jon Newcombe
Shadow of the Beast to return
The Amiga classic is making a comeback.
Text: Jon Newcombe

Tales of Xillia
Tales of Xillia is absurd, and it flourishes in absurdity.
Text: Jon Newcombe

Dynasty Warriors 8
China's legendary warlords take to the battlefield once more for some high-octane button bashing action.
Text: Jon Newcombe

The Walking Dead: 400 Days
Does this DLC offering from Telltale have enough bite?
Text: Jon Newcombe
A Step Back in Time: Project Eternity
Project Eternity is a return to the dark and punishing world of the isometric RPG. Thousands of people wanted it. Chris Avellone promised to deliver it. Thanks to Kickstarter, it looks like we're going to get it.
Text: Jon Newcombe

Surgeon Simulator 2013
Though the clinical title suggests otherwise, Surgeon Simulator 2013 won't help medical students get their licence.
Text: Jon Newcombe
Battle Ready: WildStar takes aim
The MMO with a free-form fighting system more akin to Zelda than Warcraft is taking shape ahead of release. We go hands-on and talk to the man behind the combat.
Text: Jon Newcombe
6 screens from D4
From the creators of Deadly Premonition.
Text: Jon Newcombe
Next-Gen Exclusives: Xbox One
All the major exclusive announcements from Microsoft's conference at E3.
Text: Mike Holmes and Jon Newcombe
Project Spark revealed at E3
Game creation game shown off at Microsoft conference.
Text: Mike Holmes and Jon Newcombe
Titanfall appears at MS and EA conferences
Respawn's futuristic shooter makes double appearance at E3.
Text: Jon Newcombe
The Witcher 3 gameplay trailer
Wild Hunt on show during MS conference at E3.
Text: Jon Newcombe
Battlefield 4 timed-exclusive content for Xbox One
Next Battlefield DLC to land on Xbox One first.
Text: Jon Newcombe
Xbox One coming November, priced at £430
UK launch in time for the holiday season.
Text: Jon Newcombe
Dead Rising 3 exclusive to Xbox One
Capcom's latest entry in the series revealed at Microsoft's E3 Conference.
Text: Jon Newcombe
Forza Motorsport 5 announced
It's the announcement we all knew would happen, but it's still a welcome sight.
Text: Jon Newcombe
Xbox One - methods of control
Kinect and a new controller detailed in Microsoft's presentation.
Text: Jon Newcombe
Gaming's Defining Moments - Batman: Arkham Asylum
We continue to recall some of the greatest games of the generation. This time Rocksteady Studios' revival of a caped crusader.
Text: Jon Newcombe

Slender: The Arrival
Run away screaming or embrace the darkness?
Text: Jon Newcombe

"Initially the game is two-tone, similar to the original Gameboy. An early chest transforms the world into colour, by the end characters are 3D models traversing glorious HD."
Text: Jon Newcombe

BattleBlock Theater
"The story is absolutely barmy. Narrated with goofy enthusiasm and near perfect comic timing, it's a rollercoater of wackiness that's almost impossible not to fall in love with."
Text: Jon Newcombe

Rhythm Destruction
"Think Dance Dance Revolution meets Ikaruga, and you're close to understanding what Rhythm Destruction is all about."
Text: Jon Newcombe