
Daniel Guanio Gamereactor Norway

All texts by Daniel Guanio Gamereactor Norway

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The House of the Dead: Overkill - Extended CutScore

The House of the Dead: Overkill - Extended Cut

"As a Wii title it was a fun on-rails shooter for two people. Two years on and a format shift hasn't changed that fact."

Text: Daniel Guanio | Gamereactor Norway
Little Big Planet 2Score

Little Big Planet 2

Daniel has been enjoying the first major release of 2011 and we're pleased to tell you all is well in Media Molecule's world of Sackboys.

Text: Daniel Guanio (Gamereactor Norway)
Call of Duty: Black OpsScore

Call of Duty: Black Ops

Treyarch get to step out of Infinity Ward's shadow, and become the new torch bearers for Call of Duty. Following in Modern Warfare 2's footsteps, they find their own road...

Text: Daniel Guanio (Gamereactor Norway)
James Bond 007: Blood StoneScore

James Bond 007: Blood Stone

Bizarre Creations are the next studio to try and revitalised James Bond on consoles. Have they done enough?

Text: Daniel Guanio (Gamereactor Norway)