
Adrian Berg

All texts by Adrian Berg

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Starcraft II: Legacy of the VoidScore

Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void

"If you enjoyed the first two chapters, there's absolutely no reason to skip the epic conclusion."

Text: Adrian Berg
The Witcher 3: Hearts of StoneScore

The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone

"It offers more of the same gameplay experiences that we've come to love and at the same time it kicks it up a notch in terms of story."

Text: Adrian Berg
Zombie Army TrilogyScore

Zombie Army Trilogy

"Ammunition is never scarce and the only thing you do is throw bullets at zombies who approach in scripted waves."

Text: Adrian Berg & Mike Holmes


Magiko Gaming serves what appeared to be a mix of a 2D Borderlands and Terraria, but ultimately fell short of the target.

Text: Adrian Berg
Tower of GunsScore

Tower of Guns

"Tower of Guns is an exercise in patience, fortitude and old school twitch reflexes. It's an arcade game with an endless supply of enemies and a single goal, get to the top of the tower."

Text: Adrian Berg
Might & Magic X: LegacyScore

Might & Magic X: Legacy

"There is a certain nostalgic charm to revisiting the old landmarks, but that charm quickly wears off."

Text: Adrian Berg
Divinity: Dragon CommanderScore

Divinity: Dragon Commander

While Divinity: Dragon Commander may not excel in any one singular area, seen as a whole it still entertains.

Text: Adrian Berg
Rising Storm Hands-On

Rising Storm Hands-On

We trial the continuation of the Red Orchestra concept. Does Rising Storm live up to the legacy?

Text: Adrian Berg
Professor Layton and the Lost FutureScore

Professor Layton and the Lost Future

Professor Layton is back in yet another adventure and this time he has to come to terms with a mystery involving time travelling.

Text: Adrian Berg (Gamereactor Norway)
Hands on: Red Dead Redemption

Hands on: Red Dead Redemption

Adrian dropped by the Rockstar offices in London and stepped into the shoes of John Marston...

Text: Adrian Berg
Dragon Age: OriginsScore

Dragon Age: Origins

Bioware's latest RPG masterpiece has arrived. Find out what Adrian thought of it...

Text: Adrian Berg


Pandemic Studios are back with another sandbox experience. But rather than Venezuela this one is set in occupied Paris during World War II...

Text: Adrian Berg