Insomniac Games' Chief Brand Officer Ryan Schneider is someone we've talked to already about the upcoming Spider-Man game on PS4, but we talked to him again at a preview event in Copenhagen to hear a little bit about the ways you can take control of the battles in the game, including gadgets and suits, which he says allow for a bit more freedom.
"So we are giving you the opportunity to craft your gadgets, and we are giving you the opportunity to customise your suits," he explained. "There's a ton of different suits in the game, they come with special abilities, you'll be able to swap those abilities into the suit, and we think that's part of an open-world experience. And we're also really focusing on giving you, the player, the opportunity to be the Spider-Man that you want to be."
"You can play as Spider-Man as you want to, but that said, we're really trying to reward players for their ability to acrobatically improvise in the air. That's what sets the game apart in my opinion, it's the opportunity to be able to yank enemies up into the air, combo them, throw them back down at other enemies, unlock your gadgets using our gadget wheel - which has been a staple of Insomniac Games for a while now - use those in interesting and inventive ways. And the more you stay in the air, we think that the more you'll be playing with a certain style that will make you really feel like you are Spider-Man."
We asked if the combo counter feeds into this as well, to which Schneider said:
"Certainly, yeah. You'll be rewarded for how you do play with style and how you are playing the game in the air. Of course, you can play on the ground, we have expanded the move set with parkour elements as well, but the more you're bouncing off walls, jumping in the air, interacting with the environment, using your melee moves, interacting with the gadgets, that's when the gameplay really comes alive."
Have you liked what you've seen of combat so far?