Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Spencer open to Banjo-Kazooie being in new Smash Bros.

It's not a solid confirmation though, let's be clear.

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Super Smash Bros. for the Switch was recently revealed at a Nintendo Direct, and while the very first teaser trailer reveals a few of the characters in the game, the vast majority are still under lock and key. For that exact reason, the internet is filled to the brim with speculation over which guest characters we may end up seeing.

One fan asked Xbox chief Phil Spencer whether the company would let Banjo-Kazooie, a character couple that Microsoft owns the rights to, but is heavily associated with Nintendo platforms, be a part of the upcoming title. His answer was simple, but definitely encouraging: "Yep."

Well, that should make for one easy guest appearance right? Which character do you want to see in the upcoming Smash Bros.?

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

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