Mass Effect 2

New DLC for Mass Effect 2 in May

The Reapers are about to return

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EA has confirmed that the next DLC pack (and presumably the last) for Mass Effect 2 - called Mass Effect: Arrival - will be out on May 29. In it, Commander Shepard will be sent to the "border of the galaxy" to save an undercover agent and will find out just how close the Reapers (you do remember your Mass Effect, right, kids?) are to returning.

The DLC will cost you 560 Microsoft points on Xbox 360, the same amount of Bioware points on the PC and £5.49 on PSN. Here's hoping that it will be as well made as Lair of the Shadow Broker, eh? Two screenshots from the adventure below.

Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 2

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Mass Effect 2

REVIEW. Written by Bengt Lemne

"Mass Effect 2 points towards a future where genres merge to create an experience that transcends old genre boundaries."

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