Naughty Dog's last remastered game The Last of Us Remastered was very well received by critics and players, and it managed to shift quite a few copies. Eric Monacelli works as a community strategist at Naughty Dog and he told MCV that this was due to the fact that a large portion of players on PS4 didn't own a PS3, where the game was originally published.
Now Monacelli is anticipating a similar trend with Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection. According to Naughty Dog's research, about 80 percent of PS4 owners have never played Uncharted. This means there's a market for the remastered collection, and it also was one of the reasons they decided to remaster the original trilogy in the first place.
If you haven't done so already, you can read our review of the game here. Go and see if the charm of the older games hold up.