Warner Bros. surprised millions of eager players when they announced that the MultiVersus beta was being shut down in 2023 to prepare the game for its official launch. Many believed this was a mistake, and that the game wouldn't be able to return to its former glory. It didn't take long before we learned that these theories were correct, so it was only a question of time before today's announcement.
Player First Games confirms that MultiVersus will be shut down and removed from stores forever on the 30th of May. Those of you who have played the game between now and then will be able to continue playing offline with friends or bots, while everyone else lost their chance.
This means that Aquaman and Lola Bunny will be the last characters added to the game when season 5 starts on the 4th of February.
It'll be interesting to see what this means for the future of the developers at Player First Games, as these kinds of announcements rarely happen without lay-offs. And that six months after Warner Bros. bought the studio...