
MultiVersus players are requesting refunds following shutdown

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MultiVersus announced that it would be bringing its open beta period to a close this summer, to prepare for its proper launch in early 2024. While some fans have responded well to this and have told Player First Games to take its time polishing off MulitVersus, there are those who are a bit more disgruntled.

Many have critiqued MultiVersus' monetization methods, especially considering the game was in open beta. Some are even demanding refunds, stating on social media that the money that has been charged is an unacceptable amount considering the game is going to be unplayable for 6 months or more.

There has been no word on refunds yet from Player First Games, but it does seem unlikely that any will be issued, especially since MultiVersus is set to make a return. Granted, this will be after a considerable hiatus, but so long as the content people have paid for isn't later made free to own, it would seem strange for refunds to be issued.

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