Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World sales exceeded 20 million units

The game launched in 2018.

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We all can agree that Monster Hunter is one of Capcom's most popular franchises. Especially thanks to Monster Hunter: World, the first title in the series that got released worldwide simultaneously, MH is no longer confined in Asia but has become a worldwide loved brand ever since. That, also makes Monster Hunter: World become Capcom's best-selling title of all time.

Now, a newly announced figure just once again proved its achievement. In a statement, Capcom confirmed that Monster Hunter: World has shipped over 20 million units worldwide (includes shipments of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition). Of course, judging by its popularity, this is not surprising but still quite amazing.

The massive expansion of Monster Hunter World, 'Iceborne', was released back in 2019, and with the synergy which results in prolonged sales, it helps set the all-time record of 20 million units shipped.

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