Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne's new region "expands the more you play the game"

Capcom's Kaname Fujioka, gave us an insight into creating the sub-zero environment of Iceborne's Hoarfrost Reach.

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It has been a long wait but Monster Hunter World's latest expansion, Iceborne is finally dropping tomorrow for consoles. We've already seen a few trailers and some gameplay footage for the upcoming DLC but on top of that, we recently spoke with a few of the developers from Capcom at Gamescom to see what it was like building the new frozen world.


"Whenever we were designing the concept art for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, it was the same as for Monster Hunter World" said Kaname Fujioka, Executive and Art Director on the title. "We always design the monsters and ecosystem together; we don't just create them in a vacuum and put them on the stage."

"We had to think, if we wanted to bring these kinds of monsters or put this extra variety into the game, what kind of stage would be suitable. We didn't have an ice stage already in Monster Hunter World, so by having this new kind of backdrop, of a snowy, icy world. It lets us not only bring back monsters suited for those kinds of stages, but to also produce new designs, which could really only suit this kind of area."

"The new Hoarfrost Reach map is actually something that expands the more you play the game. Only a certain amount will be available at the start and then the more quests you play, the more areas you'll be able to access. There are some places that have quite cool tricks and traps in them, like slippery or breakable ice, we've got ice caves and snow fields with waste high snow that makes you move slower. We wanted to make sure that even within the context of the new map, it wasn't all the same white snow everywhere. There are all kinds of things to discover and you have to keep playing through the game to find everything."

Will you be spending some time in Hoarfrost Reach?

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

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