Metroid: Samus Returns

Metroid: Samus Returns amiibo functions detailed

Including new difficulty mode and abilities.

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The first details for the functionality of the Metroid: Samus Returns amiibos have been revealed on the game's official Japanese website (courtesy of GoNintendo), and they unlock special abilities, an extra difficulty, art galleries, and a soundtest. Here's the full list:

• Samus Aran (Metroid Series): Elon Reserve Tank (special ability recovery); Metroid II Art Gallery (unlocked after beating game)
• Metroid (Metroid Series): Metroid Marker (tells you location of nearest Metroid); FUSION Difficulty Mode (unlocked after beating game)
• Samus Aran (Super Smash Bros. Series): Missile Reserve Tank (missile recovery); Concept Art Gallery (unlocked after beating game)
• Zero Suit Samus (Super Smash Bros. Series); Energy Reserve Tank (energy recovery) Sound Test (unlocked after beating game)

Metroid: Samus Returns will be released on September 15 on Nintendo 3DS. Will you be using your amiibos?

Metroid: Samus Returns

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Metroid: Samus Returns

REVIEW. Written by David Caballero

"It's a truly enjoyable and thoroughbred Metroid, and the 3D re-imagining allowed the designers to create much richer environments."

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