Star Wars Battlefront

Meet Star Wars Battlefront's Drop Zone Mode

A new King of the Hill-like 8 versus 8 game type.

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DICE and EA are continuing to introduce the new game modes that players will be enjoying when Star Wars Battlefront lands later this year. This week's reveal is Drop Zone Mode, which EA claims is a "King of the Hill-style experience." In short, it's an 8 versus 8 mode where Rebel and Empire teams fight to capture and control Drop Pods.

The match ends when one of the teams captures five pods, or controls the majority of the pods after the 10 minute limit of each match runs down. If neither of the teams can get control of the last pod when the time is up, another pod will be sent to help settle the score. When each pod is claimed by a team, they will start to open, presenting players with several Power Pickups. It should take a while though and time could end up being an essential factor in a mode like this.

Star Wars Battlefront is coming on November 17, at which point it'll be landing on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

Star Wars Battlefront

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