The Division 2

Massive: "We're not splitting the community in any way"

We sat down with game director Mathias Karlson on the eve of the full launch to learn more about the future plans for The Division 2.

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Today is the launch day for The Division 2, the ambitious sequel to Massive's popular RPG shooter, and yesterday we stopped by the offices of the Ubisoft-owned developer to learn more about the development, vision for the game, and how the endgame and post-launch will play out. This is what game director Mathias Karlson had to say on the subject of post-launch plans.

"Just like the first game, launch is in many ways just the beginning," says Karlson. "And we're going to have that same post-launch commitment to The Division 2. We've learned a tremendous amount about what it's like running and refining a The Division game from the first one. So we have applied that not just to the game we're releasing, I believe also truly to the post-launch. So we're not splitting the community in any way."

"We're releasing three major episodes that are all about giving players content for free, so that they don't get divided trying to really cover everything from new main missions, new narrative threads, new areas to explore, add to the PvP content, etc. So that we have not just the depth about the spread of all the different types of players playing this game, because there's a lot of variety in how people chose to engage with The Division, we know that. Then we're going to release three more specialisations in Year One. Which is also very exciting, so the three ones you can start building on now are going to be expanded upon."


The Division 2 is out now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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The Division 2Score

The Division 2

REVIEW. Written by Eirik Hyldbakk Furu

"A couple of faults don't detract from the fact that The Division 2 is one of, if not the, best looter-shooters in years."

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