Mass Effect: Andromeda

Mass Effect: Andromeda uses peer to peer for its multiplayer

No dedicated servers for the co-op mode.

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According to Bioware producer Fernando Melo (via Twitter), Mass Effect: Andromeda uses so called peer to peer (P2P) for its multiplayer mode. This means there are no dedicated servers for people who play Mass Effect online.

This has caused a lot of discussion on Reddit and as expected, some didn't see it as a problem, while others declared the multiplayer of Mass Effect: Andromeda will be unplayable weeks after release.

We need to wait and see how it turns out. Luckily the wait is almost over. Mass Effect: Andromeda is releasing on March 23rd on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. And we'll get to sample the co-op at PAX East next week.

Mass Effect: Andromeda

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REVIEW. Written by Mike Holmes

"There's enough of the series' DNA in there that fans will find this a worthwhile adventure."

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