Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 shows off some beefy PC requirements

That's if you want to play with Ray Tracing. Otherwise, you can still kick that potato you've got into overdrive.

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Marvel's Spider-Man 2 releases on PC today, and if you're wondering whether you should pick up the next part of Miles and Peter's adventure, you'll probably want to check out the game's PC requirements first.

As you can see in the image below, the requirements aren't that bad so long as you don't want to play the game with Ray Tracing. You can get away with a GTX 1650 if you really want. However, if you're looking to really get your Photo Mode screenshots popping with some Ray Tracing, you'll need an RTX 4070 minimum to make it happen.

On top of that, no matter what specs you're running, you'll also need 140GB of space on your machine in order to play Marvel's Spider-Man 2.

Is your PC up to the task?

Marvel's Spider-Man 2

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