Street Fighter 6

Mai shows her best moves in Street Fighter 6 gameplay trailer

The female ninja known as Mai Shiranui is back to kick some ass shiranui-ryuu ninjutsu style.

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It has been known for some time that Mai from SNK's beloved Fatal Fury series is coming to Street Fighter 6, and she is included with both the Year 2 Character Pass as well as the Ultimate Pass starting the 5th of February.

So far, however, we haven't got a good insight into what she has to offer in terms of fighting, but Capcom thinks now is the time to change that. For long-time Mai fans, it seems that we'll be getting a very traditional version of the character, complete with a City of The Wolves outfit as an alternative costume.

We can't help but say that she looks very nice to play with, and we note, of course, that her first featured match is against Chun Li (the rivalry lives!).

Check out Mai's gameplay trailer below.


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