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      The Lord of the Rings: Living Card Game

      LOTR: Living Card Game enters Early Access in August

      An update will add two-player co-op at a later date.

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      Asmodee Digital and Fantasy Flight Interactive announced today that The Lords of the Rings: Living Card Game will enter Early Access on Steam on August 28 on PC and Mac, with the digital version of Fantasy Flight's cooperative card game allowing players to battle through narrative stories to stop Sauron.

      The Lords of the Rings: Living Card Game will start as a single-player only experience in Early Access, but will add co-op support in the months after Early Access release. The first campaign, Adventures in Mirkwood, introduces the first Core Set which contains 42 cards, four heroes, and 21 unlockable Valor cards though, so there's no shortage of content.

      Will you be getting your deck ready in August?

      The Lord of the Rings: Living Card Game

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