Lost Judgment

Lost Judgment's post-launch roadmap has been revealed

Three separate content drops have been detailed.

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It's not long now until we get to play out the very next chapter in Yagami's journey, as Lost Judgment is set to make a release on September 24. With the title's release date looming, SEGA has released a post-launch roadmap detailing all premium content that will be accessible to those who have purchased the Digital Deluxe and Ultimate Editions of the game. This content we imagine will be purchasable for all players. but SEGA has yet to provide further details.

The Detective Essentials Pack is the first release on the roadmap and it gifts players with extras such as four additional SEGA Master System games, more girlfriends, and brand-new detective dogs. This is then followed up on October 26 by the School Stories Expansion Pack, which contains a new robot, a dance club outfit, and a new boxing combat style. Lastly, and perhaps most interestingly, The Kaito Files will add 10 additional hours of content and the titular Kaito as a playable character when it launches at an unconfirmed date in spring 2022.

You can take a look at the roadmap's contents and release schedule below:

Lost Judgment

Thanks, IGN.

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Lost JudgmentScore

Lost Judgment

REVIEW. Written by Markus Hirsilä

A detective story set in Japan that is best described as an interactive TV series.

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