Shenmue 3

Listen to the Shenmue III soundtrack on luxurious vinyl

With only a limited number of copies being produced, the Complete Collection will be signed by Yu Suzuki.

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Shenmue III got fairly mixed reviews when it was released, but at least most people could agree that the music was excellent. As you surely know, there is no better way to enjoy music than glorious vinyl, and now the Shenmue III music is about to come to wax.

No less than five editions have been announced by Ys Net, Brave Wave Productions and Limited Run Games, with pre-orders starting next month. The most noticeable package is the Shenmue III The Definitive Soundtrack Complete Collection, which is signed by the industry veteran, all-time legend and producer Yu Suzuki. It includes all 195 songs and costs $349.99 / €350 (approximately £270) - but only 500 will be made, so make sure to be an early bird with this one if you want it.

Shenmue 3
Shenmue 3

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Shenmue 3Score

Shenmue 3

REVIEW. Written by Mikael Sundberg

"Shenmue 3 certainly doesn't feel limited by its budget, rather it's lifted by the developer's will to keep to the ambition of its predecessors."

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